A forum for an open and informal discussion
The committees
The Forum is a not for profit organization under Belgian law (ASBL). It consists of a number of Members of the European Parliament who form a Steering Committee, together with Financial Industry Members, a wide range of leading players in the European financial industry, supported by a secretariat. The Steering Committee gives direction to the activities of the forum, and the Financial Industry Committee undertakes the task of arranging and inviting speakers, writing short briefing papers, and managing the secretariat. A Board of Directors is elected at the Ordinary General Meeting to deal with day-to-day administration of these matters. Full details of structures and responsibilities can be found in our Statutes.
The Forum is financed by member contributions set annually by the General Assembly.
Events on a monthly basis
The Forum organises events on a monthly basis. Attended by a large number of interested MEPs, these meetings focus on a variety of topics, with high-level, expert guest speakers from the financial industry, consumer groups, and relevant authorities, regulators and officials.
Meetings are open to all MEPs, and if they are not able to come, their assistants, the relevant Parliament committee staff, secretariats of political groups as well as the relevant officials of the European Commission. Every industry member is also invited, as well as representatives from five observers (BEUC, Better Finance, Finance Watch, FSUG and UEAPME). Financial industry representatives who are not members may apply to attend subject to availability of places. Organizations wishing to join the Forum or attend an event should contact the Chair of the Forum’s Financial Industry Members, Mr Wim Mijs.