
Contact us

The Secretariat of the forum is responsible for the practical organization of the different events and the day-to-day management of the forum and its Committees. 

Contacting the Secretariat

The Secretariat operates under the instructions of the Financial Industry Committee and the Administrative Committee Chair, and has no role in determining the policies of the forum. The Secretariat may however be requested to supply ad hoc political advice on the functioning of the forum or the issues it addresses.


David Reed - Director
Mobile: +32 473 117 488

Maybrit Thøgersen - Senior Association Manager
Mobile : +32 473 657 867

Maria Biondo - Events Manager
Mobile : +32 499 646286 


EPFSF, Rond Point Schuman 2- 4,
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 514 68 00

Steering Committee

Othmar Karas, MEP
European Parliament,
Bât. Altiero Spinelli,
Rue Wiertz 60,
1047 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 284 56 27

Financial Industry Committee

Wim Mijs
EBF – The European Banking Federation
56 Avenue des Arts,
B-1000 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 508 37 11

Participate in the activities of the Forum