
Flagship Event 2024

Our Vision for Europe: the Single Market for Financial Services

Program and Guests

Welcome remarks by:

  • Wim Mijs, Chairman of the EPFSF Board of Directors

Introductory remarks by:

  • Othmar Karas, First Vice-President of the European Parliament and Chairman of the EPFSF Steering Committee

Keynote address by:

  • Enrico Letta, Former Prime Minister of Italy and Rapporteur for the High-Level Report on the future of the Single Market

Institutional Paneldiscussion and QA session, moderated by John Rega, Advisor and Former Correspondent:

  • Paul Tang (S&D, Netherlands) MEP
  • Eva Maria Poptcheva (Renew, Spain) MEP
  • Isabel Benjumea (EPP, Spain) MEP
  • Alexandra Jour-Schroeder, Deputy Director General, DG FISMA, European Commission

Participate in the activities of the Forum