

How to join

All Members of the European Parliament are invited to participate in the activities of the Forum. A large number of MEPs are active in Forum events, and these select the members of the Steering Committee, currently composed of 20 MEPs from the EPP, ECR, Greens, RE and S&D groups.

Steering committee

Interested Members of the European Parliament form a Steering Committee which reviews and oversees the Forum’s role and programme of events. It reflects the EPFSF’s priority objective of providing a service to MEPs which is best able to meet their needs.

Financial Industry Members

The Forum is supported by a Financial Industry Committee which is broadly representative of the financial services industry in the EU. Its role is to make suggestions on the programme of events, to provide speakers, assist in the drafting of briefing papers and set the level of member contributions in order to finance the Forum’s activities.


In order to guarantee a discussion as open and balanced as possible, the Forum invites representatives from five consumer/end-user groups to join its events as observers.

Participate in the activities of the Forum